
Home > Company INFO > History


Year Month History
2003 03 Month Was Awarded from Korea Development Inc. for “Best Vendor”
2002 10 Month Was Certified with ISO 9001
2000 05 Month Installed Piezoelectric Facility-Fully Automated System
1998 08 Month Founded Booah GongYoung Inc.
1997 10 Month Applied for the New Utility-Model Patent (97-29385)
09 Month Developed P.E.COATING GRATING
04 Month Installed Additional Auto Manufacturing System
1996 09 Month Moved to the New Building/Plant
04 Month Installed Environment-Friendly System
1995 11 Month Installed Auto Manufacturing System
1993 10 Month Was Awarded from Korea Development Inc. for “Best Vendor”
1991 10 Month Opened Seoul Office
05 Month Founded Youngil Steel Co.
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